Carpet cleaning, the primary purpose of having a carpet cleaning is to get rid of any dirt from your carpet and as results increase the longevity of your carpet. It is an important house core that can help to improve the standard living of a family. Carpet cleaning is something that needs appropriate knowledge and understands to get the work done. If possible, one should get a professional carpet cleaner to do the cleaning so you won’t compromise the cleaning’s effectiveness and reduce the longevity of your carpet. It can be carried out regularly or occasionally. Carpet cleaning is a complex sector that includes the use of various cleaning methods, machines, and supplies.
How does carpet cleaning work?
The carpet cleaning process involves cleaning solutions, vacuuming machines, sturdy scrubbing brushes, and others. During the carpet cleaning, a mixture of a suitable solution is usually applied to the carpet’s fiber. This is important to loosen up the stain and dirt so brushing and scrubbing can be easy.
After brushing or scrubbing the stains and dirt inside the carpet out, the vacuum cleaner is used to suction them. Cleaning can be either regular or deep cleaning. This is carried out to get rid of every stain and dirt that is visible while deep cleaning eliminates both visible and invisible dirt particles, including skin cells, food pieces, pollen grains, and others. Deep cleaning is essential because it helps to remove all dirt particles that can not be removed through regular cleaning; if not carried out, it can make the carpet prone to tear and wear. Deep cleaning is usually carried out by professional cleaners. Here are some methods used by professional cleaners.
Carpet Steam Cleaning
It is the method used by cleaners as it is useful when it comes to getting rid of filth, allergen, and others on your carpet. This is usually carried out by applying a mixture of hot water and detergent solution into the carpet. And later extracted after it has served the purpose it was meant to serve.
Carpet Dry Cleaning
It is another cleaning method used by cleaners. The method is usually performed on the carpet by applying some special power detergent to the carpet to get rid of dirt because of their affinity. Because of this, they tend to stick together, and later vacuum out.
Carpet Shampooing
The cleaner also uses this method. This is usually carried out by applying the detergent and water with the help of a carpet cleaning machine to scrub the carpet in other to get rid of dirt and debris present in the carpet.
How often does a carpet need to be clean?
Everyone knows that it is essential to practice proper home hygiene for the well-being of your family. Due to the nature of these carpets, they tend to attract unwanted stuff like dust, mold, germs, and all sort of other pollutants that can severely influence the quality of air present in your home. Though your carpet might appear soft, plushy, and clean to you, trust me, a lot is going under the surface of your carpet. Furthermore, you may not notice because all these pollutants can seep into the fabric of your carpets, which leaves your carpet’s surface spotless. When all these pollutants are left on the surface of your carpet without getting rid of them, they can adversely affect your family’s well-being. Therefore, you need to vacuum and clean your carpet regularly.
It is recommended to vacuum your carpet two times a week and hire a professional carpet cleaner to clean your carpet at least once a year. And for heavy-traffic areas or homes with pets, children, smokers, and others, it is suggested to always vacuum your carpets between three to seven weekly and deep clean your carpets with a three to six months interval.
Benefit of carpet cleaning
Why choose our carpet cleaning services?
Are you looking for a professional carpet cleaner with well trained and experienced technicians and adequate equipment in Singapore? When it comes to carpet cleaning, you are doing yourself right here because you don’t have to search elsewhere. We are a Singapore-based carpet cleaning company with experienced staff and adequate equipment; we know what it takes to get the job perfectly and leave you satisfied.